NonProfit 501(C)(3)
EIN 91-1797792
Welcome to PVNet Academy for STEM and Art!
These workshops are for Torrance Unified School District students who have not yet taken a class or workshop at PVNet. Rules and restrictions can be found in our course catalog.
Click here to register
Bring your ideas to life!
Imagine having an idea to make something, drawing it on a computer screen, and then holding it in your hand! That's the magical world of 3D printing. If you have ideas and like to make things then this class is for perfect for you! You will quickly and easily learn to use a fun free program called Tinkercad. The instructor is excellent and very quickly you will gain experience with 3D design, and modeling.
Get a head start!
This workshop is an excellent starter for media art majors. Students will see how Blender is used to create characters and used for animation. Blender is a leading internationally respected 3D design program. Learn Blender gets you started on the road to learn graphic arts and 3D design created worldwide for movies, animations, modeling, etc.
If you like art and science, this workshop is for you!
Medical drawing is easier than you might think and incredibly fun when you learn the tricks of the trade! Take this class and enjoy a wonderful experience that will stay with you for a long time, and maybe even create a new interest for your future!