Since 1995
our mission
Like many people, the PVNet family loves animals - that's why we want to do our part to help them. Whenever possible, PVNet helps rescue groups save animals from homelessness, neglect, and abuse.
How do we do this?
Networking with like-minded people and groups
Donating money to animal rescue organizations
Promoting awareness to the public
How you can help
Those interested in helping PVNet in its efforts to stop animal abuse and neglect can:
Join animal rights organizations like PETA and the ASPCA
Donate to rescue organizations that help get animals out of euthanizing animal control centers across the US
Support PVNet's mission by donating below
PVNet makes donations to many amazing rescue organizations who are desperate to get animals out of kill centers. Many small donations are effective in encouraging people to adopt older dogs, who are in most danger of being euthanized due to widespread preference for puppies.
Help animals by donating today!
Monies donated from this page will go towards accomplishing the animal recue goals listed above.
June 2002 - Point Vicente Animal Hospital and PVNet jointly sponsored the production of a movie titled, 'It's a Dog's Life", which is available on VHS tape and DVD (see This movie is given as a gift to anyone who donates $20 to a special animal rescue fund, which was established in 2002 for the sole purpose of supporting animal rescue organizations.
PVAH and PVN were able to raise $1000 for the following organizations:
1) Pet Protectors League, Diane Weinberger, President
2) Pet Save Foundation, Bona Tucker, President and Founder